Look Who’s Coming to Vermin: Ashley Perez

Ashley Perez

Ashley Perez

VOTM: What’s the most unusual experience you’ve had at a reading?

PEREZ: I have not really had any unusual experiences where I have been a reader but as a participant, I would say Antonia Crane’s L.A. release party for her memoir, Spent ranks up there. It was a fantastic sex-themed night. Unusual and enjoyable.

Ashley Perez lives, writes, and causes trouble in Los Angeles. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles. She runs the literary site Arts Collide and does work of all varieties for Bleed at Jaded Ibis Press, The Rumpus, The Weeklings, and Midnight Breakfast. 

Come see Ashley perform at Book Show in Highland Park on Saturday, January 10 at 7pm. 

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