Look Who’s Coming to Vermin: Sacha Howells

VOTM: What’s the most unusual experience you’ve had at a reading?

HOWELLS: I was once at a reading where one of the readers turned her poem “Winona Ryder, I Want to Ride Her” into a song, accompanying herself on the clarinet. Another time, for some reason a poet started playing the piano with her top off while she read her piece. Poets are wild.

Sacha Howells grew up in Canada, Libya, and Bakersfield, California. His work has been published in Gauntlet Magazine, theMenda City Review, and the Coachella Review. He was a 2012 PEN Center USA Emerging Voices Fellow and a 2014 NEA Fellow at the Hambidge Center, and is at work on his first novel, about once-and-future hair-metal superstars Juggernott. He lives with his wife and daughter behind the Sunset Strip Guitar Center.

Come see Sacha read (full clothed) at Book Show in Frogtown on Friday, August 8 at 7:30pm.

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